Bottom Line Bookkeeping Solutions
Because you have better things to do with your Time
Bottom Line Bookkeeping Solutions started in 1999 when a co-worker came to Connie complaining about QuickBooks.
She immediately realized that the problem wasn't Quickbooks, it was a lack of understanding of general bookkeeping principals. Connie cleaned up double posted deposits, billable items that were being sold as an expense rather than revenue, and other items that were entered incorrectly. Then, she helped him develop a smooth process that he understood well. As she assisted him, she realized that he was not the only person who needed this help. Connie decided to start a company where she could help entrepreneurs understand and use Quickbooks, and now, as bookkeepers, BLBK Solutions can also help to drive profitability in their businesses.
This coworker, her first client, is now Connie's husband. "We have one, very clear rule in our house . . . he leaves the bookkeeping to me. Especially since, his books from 1999 are still the worst I've ever encountered!"
Abby and Rose
Abby and Rose are the loyal BLBK mascots. Both are purebred English Labrador Retrievers. They love Connie and Andrew very much.
Rose is clearly the smarter of the two. She understands that it's hard to do your books, and gets especially cranky when it doesn't work out. Abby, on the other hand, is just happy to be here.
In charge of comic relief and occasional shredding.

Connie Jacox - Founder / CEO
I was born to be a bookkeeper. When I started babysitting, I kept a handwritten ledger of the income/expenses of this first business. I started BLBK Solutions (originally Bottom Line Bookkeeping Solutions) in 2000 in order to have more control of my time so that I could raise my then 2-year-old son.
When I’m not bean counting, I enjoy reading, kayaking, and playing with my dogs.